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Eleanor Roosevelt and Nancy Cook at Chazy Lake in 1934

  "You gain strength, courage and
   confidence by every experience in
   which you really stop to look fear in
   the face... You must do the thing you
   think you cannot do."





Armed and Feminine
Provides gun defense training for women. Founded by Kelly Ann Pidgeon.

Provides gun defense training for women. Founded by Lynn Bates.

Clearing the Chamber
Provides gun defense training. Founded by Jerah Hutchins.

Firearms Academy of Seattle
Provides gun defense training. Founded by Marty Hayes.

Provides gun defense training for women. Founded by Rhonda Carson.

Provides gun defense training. Founded by Jeff Cooper.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Provides first aid training worldwide via its 186 National Societies.

Lipstick Tactical
Provides gun defense training for women. Founded by Amanda Hardin.

Massad Ayoob Group
Provides gun defense training and addresses legal issues. Founded by Massad Ayoob.

My Sister's Keeper Defense
Provides gun defense training for women. Founded by Marchelle Tigner.

Model Mugging (Impact)
Provides hand-to-hand defense training for women. Founded by Matt Thomas.

Thunder Ranch
Provides gun defense training. Founded by Clint and Heidi Smith.


Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network, Inc.
A legal defense network for members involved in a self-defense incident.

Stalking Resource Center
This service is run by The National Center for Victims of Crime.

Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Centre
OVC TTAC is a resource for victims of crime.

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"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes."  – Eleanor Roosevelt

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